Matt engages in a dynamic discussion with Hull's esteemed community artist, Andy Pea. Together, they embark on a journey through Andy's remarkable artistic evolution, peeling back the layers of his murals that have transforme...
Matt delves into Robin's remarkable talent for blending comedy with science, all while championing rational inquiry through candid discussions on pressing societal issues. Robin's unique approach bridges the gap between humou...
Matt engages in a profound conversation with Matt Downie MBE, Chief Executive of Crisis, the national charity for homeless people. Together, they delve into Matt's role as a dedicated advocate for change, exploring how his di...
Matt is backstage at Pride in Hull 2023. With over 50 years in the industry and an original member of Boney M, Maizie shares insights into her career with Matt as well as maintaining her mental well-being, and discusses Boney...
Matt talks to Andy Train , Creative Director & Vice Chair of Pride in Hull, an InterPride Global Advisory Council Member for the British Isles, Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man and the current The Living Statue World ...
Matt is joined by Bea, a Transgender woman, former Miss Transgender UK, and activist for Trans, neurodiversity, and disability rights. In this candid conversation, Bea opens up publicly for the first time about her struggles ...
Matt talks to Andy Train, chair of the Hull & East Riding LGBT+ Forum, the Co-Founder and Co-Chair UK Pride Organisers Network, Trustee, Creative Director & Co-Vice Chair of Pride in Hull, an InterPride Global Advisory Counci...